Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We have been waiting for weeks for our worms to arrive. After ordering them from two different companies and waiting for a month, they finally arrived via FedEx on Friday afternoon (sadly, after school was out). I was already gone for the weekend myself, so we were lucky to have Mrs. Wellman, Mr. Pursley, and Mrs. John around to set them up for us. I certainly owe them one!

Our Worm-A-Way worm bin
 Our worms (all 1,000 of them) are living  in a special box in our room. They have newspaper bedding and a little soil, mixed with water in their tub. We will feed them a few pounds of compostable material each week, and wait for them to do their work. Hopefully, we will have some great compost by spring to use in our new Project IDEA gardens.

Everyone was very excited to open the lid and check out the worms. The worms like to hide, so we have to dig to find them.

We have decided to make it a classroom job to be the weekly worm keeper. This person will help feed the worms, keep their tub moist, and keep a log of everything we are feeding them. It's not easy to look after 1,000 class pets!

One cool effect of this project already is that more kids are bringing compostable snacks, which tend to be healthier. Kids are very excited to feed their banana or orange peels or leftover fruit or veggies to the worms. This is am outcome I hadn't even anticipated.

Today Mr. Krena, our talented third grade teacher, sang his original worm song with us. The song is absolutely perfect for this learning.

In case you were wondering, we can not tell them apart. We have decided to name them all Bob.

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